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North Brewton Baptist Church is committed to the proclamation of God’s Word, and we believe, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Our pastor regularly preaches through an entire book of the Bible over the course of several weeks or months. This enables deeper understanding of how a biblical book fits into the grand story of redemption that God is orchestrating throughout all of history. 

Previous Sermons from the Gospel of John

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Part 1:
The Light Came Down

John 1


“Crossing from Death to Life” — John 5:18-47 March 1, 2020 by Shaphan Helms
The Father bears witness to his Son so that, through the Spirit, you can see his works, hear his word, and believe the one who sent him, crossing from death to life.

“Responding with Worship to the Wonderful Work of Christ” — John 5:1-17 February 23, 2020 by Shaphan Helms
By the Holy Spirit’s power, God enables you to respond in worship because, in Christ, he makes you whole.

“Don’t Stop at the Signs!” — John 4:43-54 February 16, 2020 by Shaphan Helms
Truly believing in Jesus, the Son of God, means loving him with the help of the Spirit rather than simply loving his power.

“Living Water, Worship, and the Will of God” — John 4:1-42 February 9, 2020 by Shaphan Helms
When you believe the word of Christ, the living water of God's Spirit springs up to make true worshipers out of weary, needy people.

“The Reason for John’s Joy” — John 3:22-36 February 2, 2020 by Shaphan Helms
Like John the Baptist, you can rejoice in the Spirit-filled words of Jesus the Bridegroom who came to fulfill the redemptive plan of God.

“Death by Default, Eternal Life through the Love of God” — John 3:16-21 January 26, 2020 by Shaphan Helms
Because of the love of God, the new birth accomplished by the Holy Spirit brings eternal life for all who believe in the Son.

“The Necessity of the New Birth” — John 3:1-15 January 19, 2020 by Shaphan Helms
Believing in Jesus the Son, you must be born again by the Holy Spirit to enter the kingdom of God.

“The Greater Temple” — John 2:12-25 January 12, 2020 by Shaphan Helms
With the Holy Spirit dwelling in you, you must accept the authority of Jesus, the greater temple, in order to rightly worship God.

“The Bridegroom Brings Joy” — John 2:1-11 January 5, 202o by Shaphan Helms
See the glory of Jesus who is the true bridegroom bringing joy to God’s people, which the Holy Spirit enables them to taste and see through faith.