Past Sermon Series


May 2021-January 2022: The Book of James


Advent 2021: Matthew 1-2

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May 2021: The Book of Ruth


December 2019 - April 2021: The Gospel According to John

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Fall 2019: Malachi
This 5-week sermon series studies the last book of the Old Testament as the prophet Malachi confronts the faithlessness of God’s people and calls for a recommitment to their faithful God.

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Summer - Fall 2019: Colossians
This 18-week series through The Epistle to the Colossians explores how believers are empowered by the Holy Spirit to grow deep roots down in the Gospel and then grow up to bear fruit to the glory of God.

This 9-week series follow’s Luke’s account of the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry, his death on the cross, his glorious resurrection, his ascension, and finally the sending of the promised Holy Spirit. Each step of the way, Luke demonstrates ho…

Spring 2019: Luke 22-24, Acts 1-2
This 9-week series follows Luke’s account of the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry, his death on the cross, his glorious resurrection, his ascension, and finally the sending of the promised Holy Spirit. Luke demonstrates how these events are all fulfilling the promises made by God to bring redemption through Christ’s rejection.

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Winter 2019: Parables in Luke

This 8-week series explores Jesus’ teaching in parables.

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Advent 2018: Luke 1 - 4

This 6-week series reminds listeners of the good news that the long-awaited Messiah King has come to the world. This is indeed a reason to rejoice!

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Fall 2018: Deuteronomy

This 17-week series in Deuteronomy highlights the loyal love that God has shown his people. This love transforms our hearts and enables us to respond with faithful obedience, by the power of the Spirit.