North Brewton Baptist Church is committed to the proclamation of God’s Word, and we believe, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Our pastor regularly preaches through an entire book of the Bible over the course of several weeks or months. This enables deeper understanding of how a biblical book fits into the grand story of redemption that God is orchestrating throughout all of history.
Previous Sermons from the Gospel of John
The Light Came Down
John 1
Believe — Part 2
John 6-7
Believe — Part 1
John 2-5
“Behold the Man, Behold Your King!” John 18:28-19:16a March 28, 2021 by Shaphan Helms
Though he is the true King, Jesus, the Son of God, suffered shameful rejection in order to inaugurate his saving reign for those who believe in him through the Spirit’s work.
“The Purposeful Progression of the Real High Priest” John 18:1-27 March 21, 2021 by Shaphan Helms
As the real high priest, Jesus purposefully advanced towards the cross in order to offer himself as the atoning sacrifice for those whom the Holy Spirit leads to trust in him.
“Jesus Prayed” John 17 March 14, 2021 by Shaphan Helms
Before his glorification at the cross, Jesus prayed to the Father requesting that his Spirit-filled people be secure, unified, sanctified, and sent.
“Christ Has Overcome!” John 16:16-33 March 7, 2021 by Shaphan Helms
Through his death and resurrection, Jesus overcomes the sinful world bringing to his Spirit-filled people joy from sorrow, new access to the Father in prayer, and peace found only in him.
“The Ministry of the Holy Spirit” John 16:4-15 February 28, 2021 by Shaphan Helms
Returning to the Father, Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to continue his work through his disciples and the written Word of God.
“Empowered Though Opposed” John 15:17-16:4 February 21, 2021 by Shaphan Helms
The Spirit empowers believers to bear witness to Christ despite opposition by a world that knows neither the Son nor the Father.
“The True Vine and the Fruitful Branches” John 15:1-16 February 14, 2021 by Shaphan Helms
For the glory of God the Father, Jesus calls his disciples to abide in him for fruitful, Spirit-filled lives.
“If You Love Me” John 14:15-31 February 7, 2021 by Shaphan Helms
The redeeming love of God in Christ calls us to obedience as a response of genuine love through the ongoing work of the Spirit.
“The Way, the Word, and the Witnesses” John 14:1-14 January 31, 2021 by Shaphan Helms
Jesus prepares a place in the Father’s presence for his people, calling them to bear witness to him through prayer-fueled, Spirit-empowered work.
“A Tale of Two Disciples” John 13:18-38 January 24, 2021 by Shaphan Helms
Loving like Jesus is the standard for those who receive forgiveness in Christ through the Spirit of God.
“The Master Who Serves” John 13:1-17 January 10, 2021 by Shaphan Helms
When Jesus washes his disciples’ feet, he simultaneously shows his love for them, provides a symbol of spiritual cleansing, and models Christian service.
“Seeking Glory” John 12:37-50 January 3, 2021 by Shaphan Helms
You will either be blinded by the Light of God’s glory or, through the work of the Holy Spirit, believe in the Light.
“Lifted Up for God’s Glory” John 12:27-36 December 20, 2020 by Shaphan Helms
Since Jesus was lifted up for God’s glory, those who are drawn to him by the Holy Spirit must walk in his light.
“Glory Like Grain” John 12:20-26 December 13, 2020 by Shaphan Helms
God gives glory like grain to believers who die to self through faithful, Spirit-empowered service to Christ.
“Blind But Now I See” John 9:1-41 October 18, 2020 by Shaphan Helms
When the power of the Holy Spirit truly opens your eyes to see Jesus, the work of God will be seen in your life for his glory.
“The Light of the World” John 8:12-30 July 5, 2020 by Shaphan Helms
Only by following the Light of the World will you be able to know God, escaping the clutch of sin's darkness through the power of the life-giving Spirit.